Pleasant Valley is currently accepting placement requests for the district’s 4-year-old preschool program for the 2022-23 school year. The Preschool Program operates at two sites – Hopewell and Bridgeview Elementary Schools. Preschool students attend school half-days, Monday through Thursday, with Fridays reserved for team planning and meetings. The AM session is 8:30-11:00am at Hopewell and 8:40-11:10am at Bridgeview. The PM session meets from 12:30-3:00pm at Hopewell and 12:40-3:10pm at Bridgeview. Please note there is a limited enrollment size at both of these locations; therefore, enrollment is determined through a needs-based screening process.
The Pleasant Valley Preschool Program is for children who turn age 4 before September 15, 2022. An email with a link to the screening scheduling information will go out to families who are on the screening list on May 16, 2022 Parents of all students screened will be notified in early June as to whether or not their child will be enrolled in the program. You can obtain general information regarding the Pleasant Valley Preschool Program here.
To sign your child up to be screened for potential placement in the preschool program, fill out the online inquiry form (if you haven’t already done so) by following these steps:
-Go to:
-Scroll down, fill out the information & click submit (located at the bottom of the online form)
Please make sure to complete your inquiry form prior to Thursday, May 5, 2022. Should you know of any parents who may not be aware of this program, please share the Inquiry Form with them. If you have any questions, please notify Missy Huff at