Scholarships & Application
Scholarship Information
Scholarship Application Process
Schoalrship Applications for the Class of 2025 will be open from
January 17 - February 17, 2025.
Below you'll find links to all of our scholarships broken down by criteria. We encourage you to read the amazing stories of the families and businesses who've chosen to invest in our students.
- The foundation intends for the scholarships awarded to be applied to the academic school year immediately following graduation from Pleasant Valley. Any variation from this expectation must be approved by the foundation board and be based on unique circumstances.
- Please be aware that some scholarship search committees check social networking profiles as a reference.
- It is only possible to receive one PVHS scholarship, although a senior may apply for multiple scholarships.
Have Questions? Email Heather Larson at
Scholarship Categories
Thank you for applying for a PVEF scholarship! We have more than 100 scholarships and we've broken them down for you into sections based on the criteria for each scholarship. Click on the category below and explore the opportunities!
- Must have attended Bridgeview
- Best exemplify the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, Including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Each applicant must have attended Cody
- Best exemplify the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, Including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Completed majority of his/her K-12 education in the Pleasant Valley School District
- Provide an evidence-based commitment to the following characteristics: scholarship, leadership, character and service
- student has led by example, especially when challenges arise
- Enrolled in Pleasant Valley Community Schools no later than 7th grade with continual enrollment through their senior year with a minimum GPA of 3.0
- Demonstrates the ability of being a self-directed learner, responsible citizen, and a team player with all people
- Demonstrate persistence and tenacity in the classroom and beyond
- Shows initiative or entrepreneurial drive
- Is a well-rounded person of good character
- Must have attended Hopewell Elementary
- Senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Displays a positive attitude, leadership skills, good character, and strong work ethic
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Is a leader and positive role model
- Must have attended Pleasant View
- Senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Plans to attend college or vocational school after graduation.
- Stand out in his/her service to others and the community
- Plan to pursue education at Scott Community College
- Must have attended Riverdale Heights
- Senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- 2 scholarships to be awarded
- Demonstrates leadership, academic success and a spirit of willing service to others
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Sought to make a difference in their service to others - through community, school or church
- Involved in student activities
- Demonstrated academic success despite of an obstacle in her/his life
- Has worked toward service to others and towards understanding and helping people of all cultures and faiths
- Plans to attend a vocational school or college upon graduation
- No minimum GPA required
- Plans to pursue a career in the helping and/or advocacy profession
- Be community-minded and show evidence of service learning experience that is consistent with the intent of this scholarship
- Student demonstrates the work of introspection, reflection, and work to continually improve themselves and the world around them
- Has gone beyond the community service requirements for graduation
- Special consideration for applicant with greatest financial need
- Special consideration for an applicant who has served those with sight and/or hearing impairments
- Have received 1st honors or above for 6 semesters
- Member of the National Honor Society
- Challenged one’s self with core courses the entire senior year
- Is an active participant in a significant number of performing arts, sports or other school activities along with being a community volunteer
- Must demonstrate acts of kindness, have strong moral character and lead by befriending people from all walks of life during his/her four years of high school
Involved in at least one extra-curricular activity during their four years of high school
- Stand out in his/her service to others and the community
- Plan to pursue education at Scott Community College
- Have received 1st honors or above for 6 semesters
- Member of the National Honor Society
- Challenged one’s self with core courses the entire senior year
- Is an active participant in a significant number of performing arts, sports or other school activities along with being a community volunteer
Student must meet one of the following two criteria:
A) plans on pursuing a career in Transportation, Distribution or Logistics;
i.e. auto/diesel technology, maintenance & collision repair, supply chain & logistics or
truck driving.
B) have an interest in a business degree
- One letter of recommendation from a community or church member
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Demonstrates the important values of friendliness, helpfulness, integrity, dedication and community involvement during their high school years
- $500 per year over a two or four-year period
- Minimum GPA of 2.5
- Shown involvement in community, church and school activities
- Plans to attend a two or four-year institution in the State of Iowa or enter into a local apprenticeship program
- Exemplifies the spirit of hard work, positive attitude, and service to the community
- Planning on pursuing post-secondary education/training
- A GPA of 3.0 or above
- Be a positive role model in the community
- Stand out in his/her service to others and the community
- Plan to pursue education at Scott Community College
- GPA acceptable for college admission, and likely success at chosen institution
- Demonstrates how student has "done what is right" in their life, even when faced with a difficult decision
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Demonstrates the important values of friendliness, helpfulness, integrity, dedication and community involvement during their high school years
- The student is a graduating senior at PVHS with at least a 2.5 GPA.
- The student has been accepted into an accredited program of continued learning.
- The student has demonstrated a commitment to learning and continued growth throughout high school.
- The student has positively impacted the PVHS community with a caring and generous demeanor towards students and staff.
- The student has demonstrated a giving nature by participating in one activity outside of their studies. This can include school activities or athletics, outside activities or athletics, community service or employment.
- Good work ethic in the classroom and beyond
- Be a well-rounded person of good character
- Attend a technical college, 2-year college, college or university
- $1,000 per year over a four-year period
- Minimum GPA of 2.3
- Active in numerous school, community and church activities
- Demonstrates a kindness and caring for others in the healthcare field including the qualities of giving back and community-mindedness
- Demonstrate loyalty and a good work ethic in the classroom and beyond
- Be a well-rounded person of good character
- Acts showing caring and compassion for the welfare of others at PVHS.
- Behaviors creating a more inclusive and welcoming atmosphere at PVHS.
- Efforts that help fellow students academically and socially at PVHS.
- be a Pleasant Valley senior, male athlete; with a preference for a student who participated in cross country
- show empathy to others
- demostrate acts of encouragement to his teammates and peers.
- Student must display these characteristics: positivity, selflessness, and determination
- Student plans on pursuing post-secondary training
- Demonstrate good citizenship, honesty, and integrity
- Planning to attend a community college or vocational institution
- Student takes the time and invested the energy to empower others to be exactly who they are
- Student demonstrates in their actions a focus on developing universal respect for all races, nationalities, religions, gender identities, sexual orientation, mental or physical handicap, appearance and financial status
- Plans to attend University of Iowa, Iowa state University or University of Northern Iowa
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Displays Paul's chracteristics of community involvement and "Listening, caring, doing what's right"
- Senior applicant who best exemplifies trustworthiness, responsibility, caring, citizenship, fairness, and respect
- Must demonstrate acts of kindness, have strong moral character and lead by befriending people from all walks of life during his/her four years of high school
Involved in at least one extra-curricular activity during their four years of high school
- Sudent demonstrates the spirit of kindness, gone the "Extra Mile”, and has made a difference for someone without calling attention to themselves
- Planning on pursuing post-secondary education/training
- Demonstrated resilience, strong work ethic, positive attitude and good citizenship
- Has participated in at least one extra-curricular activity.
- Preference given to students who have financial need.
- The 2022 recipient will be selected by the counseling office. Please see your counselor if interested in this scholarship.
- A student of upstanding character who has gone above and beyond to foster a spirit of inclusion and respect
- Be involved in school, community or a job
- Hardworking student in classroom and out; and a student of good character
- Demonstrates values of character and kindness
- Plan to attend college or vocational school
- Member of a military/veteran’s family
- A person of good character
- Loyalty and good work ethic
- Students do not apply
- Demonstrates the potential for hard work and determination
- Student earns an additional $1,000 for every year at PVHS with a 3.1 GPA
- The student is a graduating senior at PVHS with at least a 2.5 GPA.
- The student has been accepted into an accredited program of continued learning.
- The student has demonstrated a commitment to learning and continued growth throughout high school.
- The student has positively impacted the PVHS community with a caring and generous demeanor towards students and staff.
- The student has demonstrated a giving nature by participating in one activity outside of their studies. This can include school activities or athletics, outside activities or athletics, community service or employment.
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Exemplify the work ethic, spirit, and total effort that define Brett’s success
- $1,000 per year over a four-year period
- Minimum GPA of 2.3
- Active in numerous school, community and church activities
- Demonstrate loyalty and a good work ethic in the classroom and beyond
- Be a well-rounded person of good character
- Senior applicant who best exhibits the qualities of hard work, dedication, and sportsmanship
- Completed majority of his/her K-12 education in the Pleasant Valley School District
- Provide an evidence-based commitment to the following characteristics: scholarship, leadership, character and service
- Demonstrate persistence and tenacity in the classroom and beyond
- Shows initiative or entrepreneurial drive
- Is a well-rounded person of good character
- Student must display the following characteristics on a daily basis: hardworking, positive, determined
- Student must be planning to purse post-secondary education (trade school, community college, or university)
- Minimum GPA of 3.5
- Participated in at least one sport each year while attending PVHS
- Displays a positive attitude, leadership skills, good character, and strong work ethic
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Minimun GPA of 2.5
- One extra-curricular activity inside/outside of school
- Student must display these characteristics: positivity, selflessness, and determination
- GPA demonstrating dedication and hard work towards their studies and commensurate with college acceptance at a 4-year university.
- Plans to attend a 4-year university
- Strong consideration given to applicants that are pursuing majors in the fields of Accounting, Psychology, or Education.
- Must have participated in at least two high school extracurricular activities that includes at least one athletic and one non-athletic organization.
- Applicant is a leader that demonstrates kindness, integrity, and strong moral character.
- Student must be in the third quartile of their class
- Student demonstates hard work
- Interest in pursuing career with Special Education focus
- Show immense dedication to education and extracurricular activities
- Be involved in school, community or a job
- Hardworking student in classroom and out; and a student of good character
- Attended Edison Academy through senior year or attended PVHS having experienced an obstacle in his/her life that made graduation a challenge
- Plans to pursue a certificate program at a vocational school, trade school or pursue a 2-year degree at a community college
- Overcame an obstacle that made high school challenging
- Plans to attend a 4-year college with a minimum GPA of 3.0
- Involved in extra-curricular activities with special consideration given to someone who has overcome an obstacle
- Demonstrated resilience, strong work ethic, positive attitude and good citizenship
- Has participated in at least one extra-curricular activity.
- Preference given to students who have financial need.
- The 2022 recipient will be selected by the counseling office. Please see your counselor if interested in this scholarship.
- Demonstrated academic success despite of an obstacle in her/his life
- Has worked toward service to others and towards understanding and helping people of all cultures and faiths
- Has gone beyond the community service requirements for graduation
- Special consideration for applicant with greatest financial need
- Special consideration for an applicant who has served those with sight and/or hearing impairments
- Student takes the time and invested the energy to empower others to be exactly who they are
- Student demonstrates in their actions a focus on developing universal respect for all races, nationalities, religions, gender identities, sexual orientation, mental or physical handicap, appearance and financial status
- Having completed the majority of his/her K-12 education in the Pleasant Valley School District
- Student with a mental and/or physical disability who is planning to attend a college or vocational program
- A student of upstanding character who has gone above and beyond to foster a spirit of inclusion and respect
- Has an interest in Science/Medicine
- Greatest financial need
- Has gone beyond the community service requirements for graduation
- Special consideration for applicant with greatest financial need
- Special consideration for an applicant who has served those with sight and/or hearing impairments
- Financial need
- Strong academic performance
- Plans to attend a 2-year or 4-year school whose cost is similar to one of the three state schools
- Must have attended Pleasant View Elementary
- Plans to pursue a career in business
- Preference given to student with financial need
- Has displayed a serious approach to education by a combination of good grades and involvement in extra-curricular activites or a job.
- $500 Scholarship
- Plans to attend a vocational school or college with special consideration given for financial need
- $500 Scholarship
- Must have played baseball within the Bett/PV Youth Program (including Diamond Kings and/or Colt) for a minimum of six years
- Plans to attend an accredited college or technical school
- Senior applicant who best exhibits the qualities of hard work, dedication, and sportsmanship
- Has completed a minimum of grades 7-12 in the Pleasant Valley Community School District
- Minimum GPA of 2.75
- Has played the same sport all four years of high school and made some contribution (on the field or off, through practice and/or games) to the success of the team
- Minimum GPA of 3.5
- Participated in at least one sport each year while attending PVHS
- Having completed the majority of his/her K-12 education in the Pleasant Valley School District
- Plans to pursue a career in medicine
- Particfipate in at least one sport all four years of high school
- be a Pleasant Valley senior, male athlete; with a preference for a student who participated in cross country
- show empathy to others
- demostrate acts of encouragement to his teammates and peers.
- Involved in multiple athletic activities during high school years
- Plan to attend a college or vocational school upon graduation
- female student with an interest in the sport of golf
- preference for a student who played on or tried out for golf at least one year at PVHS
- 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale
- Participated in Band all four years
- Plans to continue studying and/or participating in music with the intention of using music to enrich the lives of others throughout his/her adult life
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Participated in Orchestra all four years
- Plans to continue studying and/or participating in music with the intention of using music to enrich the lives of others throughout his/her adult life
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Participated in Vocal Music all four years
- Plans to continue studying and/or participating in music with the intention of using music to enrich the lives of others throughout his/her adult life
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Four-year participant in athletics and a participant in a high school or community music program
- Be an active participant in a significant number of expressive arts (performing or visual)
- Have a “B” average
- Having completed the majority of his/her K-12 education in the Pleasant Valley School District
- Plans to attend college with a major or minor in theatre
- Inducted as a thespian with Troupe 856
- The faculty of instrumental music, vocal music, art, and drama along with a representative from respective booster clubs, will select the senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness.
- Senior member of PVHS Band
- Demonstrated leadership, spirit and dedication
- Positively impacts the band and the community at large
- Participated in Theatre and an inducted Thespian
- Participated in Iowa High School Speech Association inter-scholastic speech events
- Plan to major or minor in Theatre Education or another Theatre discipline
- Student has participated in extracurricular activites outside the classroom
- Student must have a 2.5 GPA
- Student participates in various extracurricular activities
- Sudent has focuses their energy in journalistic writing or more widely in the field of English
- Has demonstated a particular passion for jounralism by submitting their content into competitions, publications or for peer review
- Member of a military/veteran’s family
- A person of good character
- Loyalty and good work ethic
- student has led by example, especially when challenges arise
- Be in good standing relative to attendance and discipline records
- Preference given to a student interested in agricultural or manufacturing careers and/or who plans to pursue military service or whose parents are active or retired military
- Must have attended Bridgeview
- Best exemplify the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Each applicant must have attended Cody
- Best exemplify the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Must have attended Hopewell Elementary
- Senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Must have attended Pleasant View
- Senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Must have attended Riverdale Heights
- Senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Must have attended Pleasant View Elementary
- Plans to pursue a career in business
- Preference given to student with financial need
- Has displayed a serious approach to education by a combination of good grades and involvement in extra-curricular activites or a job.
- Completed elementary education at Cody Elementary School
- Preference given to a student enrolling in post-secondary education in the state of Iowa
- Attended Edison Academy through senior year or attended PVHS having experienced an obstacle in his/her life that made graduation a challenge
- Plan to pursue a 4 year degree program at an educational institution in the state of Iowa.
- Plans to pursue a certificate program at a vocational school, trade school or pursue a 2-year degree at a community college
- Overcame an obstacle that made high school challenging
Must be attending Iowa State University
Must have GPA of 3.0 or above
Merit evaluated by academic achievement to date (financial need is not a consideration)
- Demonstrate good citizenship, honesty, and integrity
- Planning to attend a community college or vocational institution
- Completed elementary education at Cody Elementary School
- Preference given to a student enrolling in post-secondary education in the state of Iowa
- Planning to pursue a 2 year degree or certificate program at a vocational school or community college
- Student must attend University of Iowa or Truman State University
- Student will have a GPA of at least 3.0
- Participated in PVHS extra-curricular activities
- Student will attend an accredited 4-year college or university in the state of Iowa or Truman State University
- Plans to pursue a career in Education
- Student planning to attend one of the three public universities in Iowa
- Hoping to major in Education with the goal of becoming a teacher
- Plans to attend University of Iowa, Iowa state University or University of Northern Iowa
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Displays Paul's chracteristics of community involvement and "Listening, caring, doing what's right"
- Plans to attend a two or four-year institution in the State of Iowa or enter into a local apprenticeship program
- Exemplifies the spirit of hard work, positive attitude, and service to the community
- Stand out in his/her service to others and the community
- Plan to pursue education at Scott Community College
- Plans to pursue an engineering degree at Iowa State University
- Positive attitude on life and great work ethic
- Senior applicant has one of the highest cumulative GPA after seven semesters of course work
- Have received 1st honors or above for 6 semesters
- Member of the National Honor Society
- Challenged one’s self with core courses the entire senior year
- Is an active participant in a significant number of performing arts, sports or other school activities along with being a community volunteer
- Have received 1st honors or above for 6 semesters
- Member of the National Honor Society
- Challenged one’s self with core courses the entire senior year
- Is an active participant in a significant number of performing arts, sports or other school activities along with being a community volunteer
- Minimum GPA of 3.75
- Plans to pursue a career in a health-related field
- Minimum GPA of 3.5
- Participated in at least one sport each year while attending PVHS
- Enrolled in Pleasant Valley Community Schools no later than 7th grade with continual enrollment through their senior year with a minimum GPA of 3.0
- Demonstrates the ability of being a self-directed learner, responsible citizen, and a team player with all people
- Must be attending Iowa State University
- Must have GPA of 3.0 or above
- Merit evaluated by academic achievement to date (financial need is not a consideration)
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Plans to pursue a post-graduate degree in a field of patient-oriented medicine
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Four-year participant in athletics and a participant in a high school or community music program
- 2 scholarships to be awarded
- Plans to pursue a career in a business or IT related field
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Participated in at least one sport each year
- Plans to pursue a career related to working with mentally and/or physically handicapped individuals or mental health care
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 and ACT score of 21
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Is a leader and positive role model
- Student must attend University of Iowa or Truman State University
- Student will have a GPA of at least 3.0
- Participated in PVHS extra-curricular activities
- Plans to attend a 4-year college with a minimum GPA of 3.0
- Involved in extra-curricular activities with special consideration given to someone who has overcome an obstacle
- A GPA of 3.0 or above
- Be a positive role model in the community
- Be a graduating student from Pleasant Valley High School
- A GPA of 2.75 or above
- A career goal of being in the health care field. This would include careers as a physician, nurse, medical technician, physical therapist, nutrition, music therapy, child life therapy, respiratory therapist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist, etc.
- May attend a 2 year or 4 year degree program
- Has completed a minimum of grades 7-12 in the Pleasant Valley Community School District
- Minimum GPA of 2.75
- Has played the same sport all four years of high school and made some contribution (on the field or off, through practice and/or games) to the success of the team
- Minimun GPA of 2.5
- One extra-curricular activity inside/outside of school
- Student must have a 2.5 GPA
- Student participates in various extracurricular activities
- $500 per year over a two or four-year period
- Minimum GPA of 2.5
- Shown involvement in community, church and school activities
- Be a graduating student from Pleasant Valley High School
- Plan to pursue a career within education
- GPA of 2.5 or above
- Be a graduating student from Pleasant Valley High School
- Plan to pursue a career within medicine
- GPA of 2.5 or above
- Student must be in the third quartile of their class
- Student demonstates hard work
Business & The Trades
Student must meet one of the following two criteria:
A) plans on pursuing a career in Transportation, Distribution or Logistics;
i.e. auto/diesel technology, maintenance & collision repair, supply chain & logistics or
truck driving.
B) have an interest in a business degree
- One letter of recommendation from a community or church member
- Information Technology and computer applications/programming faculty will select the senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program
- Plans to attend college or vocational school after graduation.
(1) Student will attend the Automotive or Diesel Tech Program at Eastern Iowa Community College
(2) If not EICC, then an Automotive or Diesel Tech student in another program
(3) If there is not an automotive or Diesel tech student, student can be enrolling in another trade.
Please see your counselor if you are interested in this scholarship for 2022
- Must have attended Pleasant View Elementary
- Plans to pursue a career in business
- Preference given to student with financial need
- Has displayed a serious approach to education by a combination of good grades and involvement in extra-curricular activites or a job.
- 2 scholarships to be awarded
- Plans to pursue a career in a business or IT related field
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Participated in at least one sport each year
- Plans to attend college or vocational school after graduation.
- Major in physical education or coaching
- Female student pursuing an engineering field
- Student must be entering the building trades as a career path, with preference for residential building trades.
- Student must have completed course work at Pleasant Valley High School within the Industrial Technology program.
- Student must demonstrate a strong work ethic in academics, work experience or extra-curricular involvement
- Preference given to someone majoring in English or a related course of college study
- Plans to pursue a career in education
- Student will attend an accredited 4-year college or university in the state of Iowa or Truman State University
- Plans to pursue a career in Education
- The 2022 recipient will be selected by the counseling office. Please see your counselor if interested in this scholarship.
- Student planning to attend one of the three public universities in Iowa
- Hoping to major in Education with the goal of becoming a teacher
- Plans to pursue a career in education
- Be a graduating student from Pleasant Valley High School
- Plan to pursue a career within education
- GPA of 2.5 or above
- English faculty will select the senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Preference given to someone majoring in English or a related course of college study
- Plans to pursue a career in education
- Continually improves their writing skills
- Accepts feedback as a gift
- Pushes the boundaries of what is comfortable
- Sudent has focuses their energy in journalistic writing or more widely in the field of English
- Has demonstated a particular passion for jounralism by submitting their content into competitions, publications or for peer review
- Be a graduating student from Pleasant Valley High School
- A GPA of 2.75 or above
- A career goal of being in the health care field. This would include careers as a physician, nurse, medical technician, physical therapist, nutrition, music therapy, child life therapy, respiratory therapist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist, etc.
- May attend a 2 year or 4 year degree program
- Demonstrates a kindness and caring for others in the healthcare field including the qualities of giving back and community-mindedness
- Has an interest in Science/Medicine
- Greatest financial need
- Having completed the majority of his/her K-12 education in the Pleasant Valley School District
- Plan to pursue a career in medicine
- Participate in at least one sport all four years of high school
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Plans to pursue a post-graduate degree in a field of patient-oriented medicine
- Minimum GPA of 3.75
- Plans to pursue a career in a health-related field
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- Plans to pursue a career related to study of musculoskeletal health; i.e., rehabilitative medicine
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- PVHS senior who plans to pursue a career in athletic administration, physical therapy, sports medicine, or athletic training
- Plan to pursue a career within medicine
- GPA of 2.5 or above
- Science faculty will select the senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Scholarship One: Student planning to major in Engineering
- Scholarship Two: Student planning to major in Biological Sciences
- Math faculty will select the senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- High-achieving senior applicant in Math and Science based on GPA and SAT/ACT scores
- Preference given to a STEM-related career including education
- Involved in the PVCSD Robotics Program as a participant and with preference given to a Peer Coach
- Plans to pursue an engineering degree at Iowa State University
- Positive attitude on life and great work ethic
- Having completed the majority of his/her K-12 education in the Pleasant Valley School District
- Plan to attend a college with a major in Special Education or a degree that is related to working with those that are mentally and/or physically handicapped
- Participate in student activities during high school
- Plans to pursue a career related to working with mentally and/or physically handicapped individuals or mental health care
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 and ACT score of 21
- Plans to pursue a career in the helping and/or advocacy profession
- Be community-minded and show evidence of service learning experience that is consistent with the intent of this scholarship
- Interest in pursuing career with Special Education focus
- Show immense dedication to education and extracurricular activities
Student must meet one of the following two criteria:
A) plans on pursuing a career in Transportation, Distribution or Logistics;
i.e. auto/diesel technology, maintenance & collision repair, supply chain & logistics or
truck driving.
B) have an interest in a business degree
- One letter of recommendation from a community or church member
- Student has participated in extracurricular activites outside the classroom
Student plans on pursing post-secondary training (i.e. vocational school, apprenticeship, community college, university)
- Family & Consumer Sciences faculty will select the senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program, including academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness
- Be in good standing relative to attendance and discipline records
- Preference given to a student interested in agricultural or manufacturing careers and/or who plans to pursue military service or whose parents are active or retired military
- Industrial technology faculty will select the senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program
- Social Studies faculty will select the senior applicant who best exemplifies the characteristics of the New Leaders’ Scholarship Program
- GPA satisfactory for college admission
- PVHS senior who plans to pursue a career in athletic administration, physical therapy, sports medicine, or athletic training
- Having completed the majority of his/her K-12 education in the Pleasant Valley School District
- Plan to pursue a career in the media industry
- Participate in student activities during high school
- Participated in Theatre and an inducted Thespian
- Participated in Iowa High School Speech Association inter-scholastic speech events
- Plan to major or minor in Theatre Education or another Theatre discipline
- Foreign language faculty will select the senior with the following qualities: academic preparation, interpersonal skills, professional behaviors, and community mindedness