Pleasant Valley High School will be virtual this year! To sign up for a time to meet with your student's teachers, use this link. Sign ups open September 30, at 8:00am and will remain open until Wednesday, October 6 at 12:00pm. Conferences are scheduled for 6-minute intervals, but we ask that you keep it to 5 minutes to avoid running over. It's also helpful if you don't schedule back-to-back conferences.
Scheduling a Conference
- Click this link.
- Choose the teachers you'd like to meet.
- Submit your student's first name, last name, your email address, and your name.
- The system will sent you an email to verify your identity. Click on the link in the email to see all the available times for a conference. Click on the time that is best for you!
- The system will send you a confirmation email with the date and time you selected. SAVE THIS EMAIL. It will contain the Google Meet link to your virtual conference under "Location"
- You'll receive a reminder a few days before your conference.
Please note: if you have two students with the same teacher, you will have to schedule appointments for each student.
Logging onto Your Conference
- Click on the Google Meet link you received in your confirmation email mentioned above. You must use a personal GMAIL account or your student’s google account.
- IMPORTANT: Do not request to enter your conference until the scheduled time. This will interrupt the conference before you. If you attempt to enter too early, the teacher will deny your request. If it is denied twice, you will not be able to enter the conference. You can avoid all of this by requesting to enter the conference at your scheduled time.
- Make sure you are following good virtual meeting practices.
- Have a strong internet connection
- Be in a place with few distractions, i.e. at home or the office
If you do not have access to a computer, please call the High School to schedule your conference. Please dial 563-332-5151 and ask for Dawn Taghon.
We appreciate your cooperation! Please feel free to contact the Main Office at 563-332-5151 with any questions.