Program Goals
Social and Emotional Development:
- Achieve sense of self-knowing oneself and relating to others
- Take responsibility of self and others-follow rules and routines, show respect
- Demonstrate pro-social behaviors- show empathy, share, take turns
Physical Development:
- Achieve gross motor control- balance and stability, running, jumping, hopping, galloping, throwing, kicking
- Achieve fine motor control- perform self help skills, manipulate scissors and writing tools
Cognitive Development:
- Learning and problem solving- asking questions, making predictions
- Thinking logically- recognize patterns, sort, count, classify
- Representing and thinking symbolically- use objects in a unique way, pretend, explore
Language Development:
- Listening and speaking- develop vocabulary, participate in and understand conversations, use language to solve problems
- Reading and writing – understand purpose of print, letters, and words, gain knowledge of the alphabet, writing letters and words.