Meal Pattern Requirements
Build a Healthy Lunch
Choose at least 3 of the 5 components or ‘colors’ as indicated on the tray below (milk, fruit, vegetable, grain, meat or meat alternate) with one being a fruit and/or vegetable (1/2 cup minimum). Students may choose every item on the menu if they want.
- 1 serving Milk (1/2 pint fluid milk)
- 1 serving Fruit (F)
- 1 serving Vegetable (V)
- 1 serving Grain (B/G)
- 1 serving Meat/Meat Alternate (M/MA)
Reimbursable Meal Example
- Example Menu:
- Hamburger, Whole Wheat Bun, Baked Beans, Romaine Lettuce, Tomato slices, Apple Slices, Milk
- Any of these combinations could be a reimbursable lunch:
- Hamburger (M/MA), Bun (B/G), Apple Slices (F), and Milk Or Baked Beans (V), Romaine Lettuce (V), Milk
- This combination would NOT be a reimbursable lunch:
- Hamburger (M/MA), Bun (B/G), Milk
Self-Serve Fruit & Vegetable Bar
- Two fruit and two vegetable choices will be available daily. Students serve themselves.
- All hot vegetables are served by the foodservice staff on the serving line.
- Ranch packets will be available (on a cart at the end of the F/V bar) for many of the fresh vegetables.
- Students serve themselves with tongs or scoops.
- Elementary students may take as much as they want (within reason, of course!)
- Junior High students may choose 4 sides
- High School students may choose 4 sides